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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

update on new "job"

Okay, so I have now "spent the night" twice and I'm doing fine. I feel awake and alert at work and other than yesterday, when I had a bad headache and stomach cramping because of the intestinal issues and was tired from dealing with that, I have had no problems with moving houses in the middle of the night. It has actually worked out well. When I get home at just before 6am, I jump in the shower, then do my hair and get ready for work and grab my lunch and head for work. It is perfect timing and really makes you not get back in bed, even if you think you really want to!

Today, I didn't get up right away when my alarm went off and so didn't get home till about 6:15ish and so didn't have time to do everything but still made it to work on time!

I'm going to finish out the week (which really is only Wed & Thursday mornings because of my gastroscopy on Thursday afternoon which doesn't allow me to drive for 24hrs) and then see how I feel before committing to anything long term but I feel positive about being able to do it. Plus, Cam had told me that they have a 90 day plan, so it would really only be into the middle of June. I should be able to do that!

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