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Monday, March 12, 2007

medical update.... & why there are no photos

Well, my wart & surrounding area is doing much better, The blister area is completely gone now, leaving behind just a large red patch of new skin. I have started the treatment my doctor prescribed - not really enjoying it so much, soaking and then scrubbing my wart with a pumice stone is not really my idea of fun!

I would post photos but for right now, there will be no photos as my camera is out of commission! Last weekend while at the children's ministry conference I attended, I dropped my camera while it was open and it landed on the lens. I need to call a camera repair shop that was recommended to me from the store that I bought my camera from last May. My camera still functions, but the lens can't function and also the lens can't retract and close. It was a hard weekend, first my camera, then I hit my elbow quite badly and it was very painful for quite some time and then the next day, I lost my rings for almost a whole week!

I am sure hoping that this week is a whole lot better than the last!!!

Also, it is countdown time to my gastroscopy next Thursday - 10 days until I finally know something more about what is going on inside my body!!

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