Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Okay, I'm totally hooked!

I have spent most of my computer time in the last two days on digital scrapbooking websites finding out all the cool things that are out there and downloading quite a few items so that I can do some more pages! I am so excited! and I can even print them off if I totally love them! (with my printer, I would have to send them to be printed like a photo, so would have to reduce the size of them to fit an 8x10 but still, good quality prints!)

There are SO many options out there, I may see if I can do some digital scrapping for work this summer. I scrapbook all our field trips and make a book for the kids to look at over the years. They are still looking at the ones I did in 2002 & 2003! There weren't any done for 2004 & 2005 and I have not finished the one from 2006 yet! Remember, I went and got married, that took a lot of my time up in the fall!!

The great thing is that I have a high speed "LITE" internet connection so while most of the time I don't find it slow, it can take a bit more time to download some of the backgrounds and such and so I can set it up to download a bunch of the bigger files and then do something else and come back when it is done, so I am not just sitting watching the download box!

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