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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, January 27, 2007

name change update

Well, even though I went all the way downtown yesterday - I didn't get to go to HRCC and change my name. I didn't get out of the doctor's office till 2pm and we were trying to beat rush hour traffic cause my mom had to be in Langley around 4:30pm and we had gone quite a bit before I even remembered about going to the HRCC office. My mom offered to turn around but I didn't want to make her late, plus I figured at that hour there would be a good sized line up.

They are open 8:30am to 4pm Monday to Friday and it says on their website that 1:30pm to 4pm is their busiest time. I will have to take a couple hours off work and go downtown and do it. Or I have to look into mailing it away - but am not looking forward to mailing the original of my wedding certificate.


Unknown said...

Hey Theresa!
I had to go through all of this when Chris and I were in BC for Christmas. I did all of my stuff in Vernon so I know it's not the same, but it really didn't take me all that long. If you go onto the BC Med website you can download the name change form and fill it all out before hand, then when you go to drop it off they just need to see your marriage license, and you hand in the form. I did my driver's license and because I had just renewed it the year before they only charged me $17 to do the name change, and it actually extended the length of my license to the full 5 years. Doing my name change with HR was easy. I walked up to the counter and said "I got married and need to change my name on my SI card." They made me wait a few minutes to talk to someone else, but then it took all of about 5 minutes to change everything in the computer and I was done. I know everything takes a lot more time where you live because of the number of people there, but have heart! It'll get done and will hopefully take less time than you think. It makes a big difference when you can actually call yourself "Mrs..." I had to wait 6 months before I could do it :(
All that said, know I'm thinking about you and hoping that it takes less time than you expect to see your husband again :)

Theresa said...

Glad to know that BC Med & Driver's license shouldn't be too hard. My biggest problem is that my marriage certificate is in French, cause the wedding was in Haiti! So I have to go to a bilingual office and the only one in the lower mainland is in downtown Vancouver! I find it so stupid cause this is a government office and there is NO ONE that can figure out my French marriage cert. Even my mother - who can't speak French at all can figure out who married who on the certificate!! The other problem is that the HR offices are only open M-F 8:30 - 4:30 and I work 7-9/11-5:30 with a break from 9-11 and I have my doubts that I can make it downtown and back in the 2 hours. Yes, I can't wait till all my ID says Mrs Cledomin on it! Oh - did you change your passport yet or are you waiting till it expires? Was wondering about that cause my girlfriend is still using hers in her maiden name cause she only got it just before the wedding - but you would be more in the same boat as me - already having it cause of living in Haiti? Waiting to see photos of the trip to Jamaica on your blog!!

Sandra and Dickie said...

HI, Great to read your news. I have a small item to mail to you but I need your mailing address. (Ed brought it out of Haiti for you!)

Theresa said...

S & D -

I have emailed it to you - by the way feel free to take a glance at the small gift Ed brought out for me! You might not understand it all but you should get the basic idea - I am pretty sure a wedding is a wedding in any language! I can't wait to see our wedding video! YEAH!!! :)
THANKS ED! You're the best!