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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So I finally made it to Choices Market I have been meaning to go since my diagnosis this past May. Mom & I went yesterday on my day off. I went up and down every aisle and noted prices of items I knew I could get other places. Choices has a rice bakery with a ton of GF items and so I purchased some to try. I bought Rice Pecan Tarts, Rice Chocolate Cookies, and Brown Rice Multiseed Bread from the bakery. I then also bought some frozen items like a GF pizza, more GF waffles, a package of Pamela's Products Baking & Pancake Mix so that I can bake my own GF foods and also make GF waffles!

My favourite item that I found was the Brown Rice Lasagna noodles! Tonight I made GF Lasagna and I don't think that anyone would have been able to tell that the noodles were not wheat noodles! It was delicious and I enjoyed it SO MUCH! Lasagna is/was my favourite food and I thought that I would not be able to enjoy it anymore and now I can! There was quite a variety of brown rice pastas available at Choices and I like that I can now have more than just elbow pasta & spaghetti!

I also found GF gravy mix! I hadn't been able to find one anywhere else and this will allow me to have gravy at Christmas and any other time without worrying if people are making it with cornstarch or a flour mix or with a package that is almost sure to have flour or some other form of gluten in it!

Buying GF isn't cheap but knowing that I can buy GOOD tasting items is worth every penny! Last night I tried one of the Pecan tarts with a rice crust and it was delicious! I have tried a rice crust pie and it was horrid! It left a gross aftertaste in my mouth and so I was a little nervous about these but I love butter/pecan tarts so I figured I would try them, especially with the holiday season coming up and wanting to have things that I knew I could have on hand for when non-GF desserts are served.

I did look at Save-on-Foods today and some of the Bob's Gluten Free Red Mill items are available there and slightly cheaper (and S-O-F's is a lot closer to home!) I haven't tried any of Bob's GF mixes yet but will one day. Bob's also carries a bunch of GF flours for making my own flour mixes and making pretty much whatever I want. That is not something I am up to yet, but would like to try experimenting one day.

I won't be making trips down to Choices every week but I think that I will be going probably every 4-6 weeks and stocking up on the pastas & the baking mix and treating myself to some baked goods that will last me a couple of weeks. (I am hoping to figure out how to freeze some of the baked items so that I can make them last longer and it is more of a treat - the pecan tarts for example were 3 for $3.49 which is more than a $1.10 per tart! I'd like to make them last a while!)

This makes me feel better about living a gluten free life and not missing out on some of my favourite foods!

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hello - I am Gluten Intolerant and completely understand what you have been going through. I was diagnosed just before Thanksgiving 2006. Surprisingly, alot of the foods you are looking for can also be ordered online.

Here is my email If you would like to stay in touch and swap tips, I would be glad to do so.

About the Bob's Red Mill mixes - they use a lot of Gava (sp?) bean flour which is actually a mixture of garbonzo bean and fava bean flours. The garbonzo bean flour has a good flavor but the fava bean leaves a really strong after taste. I try to avoid this flour all together. If you have his chocolate chip cookie mix it is really good - I just add gf rice crispies (don't be fooled by Kellogs they add malt to theirs) to the mix and it seems to hide the fava bean taste.

I have been doing some experimenting and have actually found a gf bread mix that I can eat like real bread (toasted or untoasted). Taste similar to Hawaiian bread - very good and makes great sandwiches that don't have to be toasted. I have made garlic toast with this too to compliment my Italian dishes.

The bread mix is sold only by The Whole Foods Store and it is their brand 365 Degree's. I don't know if you have access to this or not. If not, let me know and I will see if I can find it on line.

Hope this helps some.