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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

my 100th post!!!

I think it is pretty impressive that I have reached this mark in such a short time! I've only had this blog since late January 2006 and only posted 38 times in the entire year of 2006! That means I have been much more active in 2007!!! Having internet at home sure helps as well as having more "alone" time what with Ronel being in Haiti and me being in BC. While I am busy and often not home, when I am home I can often be found on the computer - checking my email, calling Ronel, reading blogs, blogging, fiddling with photos and learning new "computer-y" things. I have found quite the enjoyment in learning HTML. It comes in very handy as I modify my blog template as well as play with other ideas, I also continue to help out with the website for the mission I worked with in Haiti and that is where the original need to learn some HTML came from. I also enjoy being able to learn new things and then also be able to put them to use on the web! I have enjoyed being able to look up tutorials and such online and teach myself.

On a bunch of the blogs I read they have done up quite the elaborate post for the 100th - many which include a list of 100 things about themselves. Well, I really am not a list kind of gal and who really wants to know 100 things about me!
I will though tell you this - I love that I can use this blog to pour out my heart and whatever I am thinking and people may or may not read it, but I still get the enjoyment and the stress release of being able to put "pen to paper" (or in this case, fingers to keyboard!) and get my thoughts down!

Here's to many more posts!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go....Happy 100th posting!!!
