I immediately stopped - mainly because of the pain and also cause in the process I was tagged with the ball and was out. I asked Eli to come help me remove my sweater/jacket I had on so I could see what I had done to my arm. Well, as you can see in the below photos (courtesy of my mom's camera) the bolt did remove a small piece of skin, amazingly not very much blood at all, but LOTS of bruising and swelling, almost instantly the whole top of my arm (just below my elbow on my left side) was blue and it was starting to swell. So inside I went to get an ice pack to put on it and that was the end of my fun time playing two ball, for today atleast! Once I got it numbed, the pain was significantly less, but still quite sore.
Many parents asked what happened when the picked up their kids - hard to hide the large ice pack on my arm, and many were genuinely concerned that I had possibly done internal damage. If it is still really sore tomorrow, I'll give my doctor's office a call, otherwise I'll live through it. When I touch the outer side of my arm, it is quite "hard" inside so I am sure that I did a really good job with this one! But as we all know, if I am going to hurt myself, I am going to do it good!! - just remember the bus incident! from last fall!
I don't know how well you can see but that red chunk is where the bolt made first contact with my arm. The blue tinge in the photo is the bruising. Unfortunately the swelling isn't really visible in the photos.
This one better shows how large the bruised area is - again the blue tinge is all bruising!
And just for your info - the swelled area is even larger than the bruised area!
This photo shows you both the bruising and the first contact mark!
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