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Friday, August 12, 2011

day 8...

wow, it has been 8 days since Micah joined our family. The past week has flown by, but at the same time seems like it has been much longer than a week! Micah & I have both finally caught onto to the whole feeding thing... it took till Tuesday or Wednesday for my milk to come in, and until then we were supplementing his feedings with formula, which wasn't what I wanted, but was what was best for Micah. He was a trooper though and did great with switching between the bottle & bre*st - which was part of my concern with formula supplementing.  His weight was fluctuating and he lost weight again after a small gain after starting the formula. Today at our home visit with our midwife, he gained a small bit since yesterday's visit and she was happy with that, so we get to continue trying only bre*stfeeding and see if he gains again weight over the weekend.

It is so much fun to have Micah around. His expressions are constantly changing and it is so hard to not just stare and watch him all day! He is often wide-eyed and so alert - looking at the world around him.

It is so amazing being a parent. I know that I spent 9 months preparing for his arrival, but nothing can actually prepare you for that moment when they place your child on your chest. It is totally surreal and something I can't fully describe. I love being Micah's mother and am truly amazed that this precious bundle of joy came from my body... that this wonderful baby boy is part of Ronel & I. He is a precious gift from God.
getting a kiss from big cousin Ethan

My nephew Ethan is totally cute with Micah. It will be so neat to watch him as a big brother when his baby sister arrives in December. It will be so neat having a cousin so close to Micah's age. (he will have 2 that are fairly close. Ethan is only 16 months old and Micah will only be 4 1/2 months old when my sister has her baby just before Christmas. )
Mommy & Micah taking a nap snuggled up with Mommy's baby blanket. (the knitted green & yellow blanket)
Daddy loving on Micah.

I love watching Ronel with Micah. I've always know that he loves kids, but to see him with his own son is something special. 

Well, my son is requiring my attention so I will leave you for now......


Leslie said...

I just wanted to encourage you with the feeding thing. I tried nursing exclusively for the first two weeks and Alex only gained 3 ounces because my milk was so slow coming in. I was put on Domperidone and we also started supplementing and still are. My milk is coming in more, but it's been slow. And, we're finding out we're not abnormal! Just keep working at it and do what's best for your family, so you're getting enough rest etc. It's HARD work.

I also agree with your thoughts on having that little man come from you. Alex is going to be six weeks tomorrow and he's starting to make cooing sounds like he has so much to say. He also started smiling almost two weeks ago and it's SO fun! Can't wait for you to experience all of that.

Sandra said...

So adorable!