Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Good Morning.....

I am on my last full day here in Haiti - and know that tonight is not going to be an easy one! Even this morning was one full of sadness as Ronel & I both knew it was the last time for a while we would be getting ready and going off to work together.
I leave Borel tomorrow morning at about 5am and should be in Port au Prince before 8:30am which should give me plenty of time to check in for my noon flight. I should arrive in Ft Lauderdale at about 2pm and Eileen is coming to pick me up around 3:30pm so that I can get through customs with out her having to wait long. I will then pass the evening with Eileen & her roommate Pia and Saturday morning I will head for the airport at about 6:30am to be there by 7am for my 8:45am flight to Seattle. I am scheduled to arrive in Seattle at 3:20pm and Jason and Shealyn are picking me up and then we are heading up to the church's Christmas Dinner where I look forward to seeing everyone!
I have such mixed feelings as I want to get home and show everyone my photos and everything but I also want to be with my husband! I know that the day will come where he will be with me in Canada but today that day seems so far away!
Please pray that everything will go smoothly tomorrow on the way to Port. Pray for Ronel as he is not able to come to Port with me tomorrow but will have to come to work knowing for the first time in a month that I won't be waiting for him when he is finished. Pray that today and this evening will not be one totally filled with sadness but that we are also able to have fun together and remember all the fun we had during the past month.
Oh - also, pray for Ronel's mom - Roselene (rose - lean) as she is quite sick and has been for a number of days. We are hoping she is going to the hospital today to see a doctor but she needs to be well in order to be able to provide for her family. She is the sole provider for her family other than the small help Ronel is able to give them financially from his salary. While you are praying for healings, Ronel has been having pain in his chest on the left side for quite a while now and they have not found what is wrong. During the last week it has been giving him alot of pain and it is also hard to breathe. Whatever it is - I want it gone!! (and I am sure so does he)

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