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Friday, September 09, 2011

hard to believe

I was going through photos and found this on Ronel's camera. This was taken only 5 days before Micah was born. Hard to believe there was a 9lb baby hiding in there.
That is also me 26lbs heavier than I am today. I am so amazed and blessed that I am healthier today than I was 11 months ago before I got pregnant. I currently weigh 37lbs less than I did when I got pregnant, without a huge change in my lifestyle, but smaller meals (mainly due to a much smaller appetite), less "junk" snacks and an increase in physical activity (mainly walking more). Ronel & I endeavoured to get out and be active more to help us both be in better shape for our son. It wasn't difficult as BC is beautiful and there are lots of gorgeous places to go for walk. Even just walking around the block gets you up & moving. I am so thankful for a relatively easy pregnancy that allowed me to keep active and also to keep working up until 39 weeks.

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