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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Going to the embassy...

Tomorrow morning (EARLY) Ronel will be heading into Port au Prince to get the last piece of paperwork that the embassy asked for and then he will be heading to the embassy to drop it all off. If he can't get the paperwork in time, he will be staying in Port until Thursday when he can again go to the embassy (they have specific days & times for doing certain things)

Please pray that everything will go well and that he can drop off the paperwork Monday and not have to spend the week in Port au Prince. He has not been feeling well for the past couple of weeks (back pains) and is just starting to feel better and I would much rather he be able to spend the week at home resting rather than in Port trying to get into the embassy to drop off our paperwork!! Also please be praying that this will be all the paperwork they require and that the rest of the process will go quickly!! Please be continuing to pray that they won't require Ronel to redo his medical (it should have expired on November 5th, but they didn't mention him having to redo it in the letter they sent us) Not having to redo it would save us a good chunk of money as well as time!!!

I let you know how it went as soon as I hear from Ronel!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying that all went well at the embassy. I am hoping for great news for you and you both need a boast to get you through the end of your process. Thanks for updating I ck in often to see how things are going for you.