Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Leslie and here are my responses.

Jobs I've Had In My Life:
1. Babysitter (that was my full-time job during high school - I could have been booked 7 nights a week if I wanted to!)
2. Telemarketer (HATED IT)
3. Customer Service Rep for Panagopoulos Pizza
4. Children's Ministry Intern at my church
5. Childcare Worker
6. Teacher at an orphanage/school in Haiti
7. Childcare Worker (again - same place as #5)
8. Administrative Assistant/Mademoiselle Finance (& a million other odd jobs including loving on the kids! (that was my favourite!)) at an orphanage in Haiti
9. Childcare Worker (yes, again at the same place - I think I am listening this time though and have NO plans on leaving anytime in the near future!)

Places I Have Lived:
1. Alberta
2. BC (in about a dozen different cities)
3. Haiti
4. BC again
5. Haiti again
6. BC (AGAIN!)

TV Shows I Like to Watch:
1. Cop/Detective shows - Law & Order, CSI, NCIS, Bones, Crossing Jordan, etc
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. Gilmore Girls
4. America's Next Top Model

Places I've Been To:
1. Canada - BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,
2. US - Washington, Oregon, California, Florida
3. Haiti
** I agree with Leslie - if airports count, my list changes, atleast the amount of cities visited does**

Fave Foods: I am going to divide this into pre-gluten free and post-gf as they are two totally different lists! (and the majority of the pre-gf are no longer an option!)
PRE-Gluten Free
1. Lasagna (but really any pasta)
2. Pizza (Chicken Club or my personal creation - ham, pineapple, bacon, shrimp with a sweet & sour tropical sauce! YUMMY)
3. Nachos - Theresa style - loaded with veggies, chicken & cheese and baked to perfection!
4. Popcorn
5. my mother-in-law's Haitian Pates (drooling......)
6. Haitian bread toasted with Haitian peanut butter!
7. Garlic bread

1. Chicken Breasts
2. Nachos!! (YEAH)
3. Mexican Street Tacos
4. Popcorn
5. Avocados - anyway really! I just LOVE them
6. Rice (this one could be on the pre list as well, but was sort of neglected because of all the other options!)
7. the GF waffles that I had at our B&B this weekend! (Oh, they tasted like "real" waffles!) with whipping cream & strawberries!

Books I've Especially Appreciated (Lately):
1. Poisonwood Bible (but it is not a lately!)
2. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers (again not lately but OH SO GOOD!)
Honestly - I can't tell you the last book I read which is so sad cause I am such a book lover!

Things I Enjoy:
1. Spending time with friends
2. Working with kids!
- when I get to see them really understanding something we've learned in chapel or morning devotions.
- I also LOVE seeing them excited about learning things.
3. Talking to my husband (can't wait till it's face to face again!)
4. Stamping - making cards
5.Blogging - both writing on my own blog & also keeping in touch with others through their blogs
6. Digital scrapbooking
7. Photography
8. Talking (for those of you who really know me - I know this may seem obvious and some of you will think it should be #1, but, this is my list and I do enjoy conversations with those I care about!)
- to my husband,
- to my friends,
- to my close girlfriends -especially those really great heart to heart conversations that just knit a bond that is hard to break!

I tag Renee & Val

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