I got HAPPY MAIL today! I had an envelope from CIC(Citizenship & Immigration Canada) today and figured it was a confirmation of the arrival of my paperwork but it was SO MUCH BETTER!! It was a letter telling me that I have MET the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor and that Ronel's application for Permanent Residence has been forwarded to the Visa Office in Port-au-Prince. The letter is dated April 14th so that means that it was less than a month since the paperwork arrived and 10 days (not just business days!) since they started processing it!
Praise the Lord!! Now if the next step can also go so quickly!
I have included a scan of the letter (with some highlighting and framing of the oh so important part!
That is so fantastic - congrats & Mèsi Bondyè!
WOOHOO!! That is very exciting news - I am so happy for you!
I am so excited for you!!!!! This is one of those times where I'm so thrilled to be Canadian :o) I hope and pray the next step goes so fast it shocks you, and that when you come in July you'll be taking home a husband :o)
Oh Theresa - that's terrific!!!!
Thanks guys! Leslie - I'm with you - all of my friends are praying that I can bring Ronel home with me in August when I come back from Haiti. It is amazing to think that I will be IN Haiti in 3 months!!!! Time is flying by and I can't wait to see my hubby again! The big thing is that we want it all done fast enough that Ronel doesn't have to redo his medical exam which will slow down the WHOLE process. His current exam expires at the beginning of November. Just knowing that the paperwork was all complete was a HUGE relief!
Keep on praying and I'll keep you updated!
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