Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, September 17, 2007

a garage sale...

So, this past Saturday we had a garage sale (organized by friends of mine) to raise money for all of Ronel's immigration fees. We had a TON of stuff - donated by my mom, sister & her family, brother & his girlfriend, my friends and some of my own stuff as well. With everything really pulled together in like 2 weeks, we had a great day, there were 5 of us manning the sale and we had a lot of smaller items and we took pretty much ALL & ANY offers (we did turn down two which were way too low!) and we made a great deal of money!! At last count, we made $770.72!!!! That alone is 1/2 of the paperwork fees and with other money I had already we are about $350 away from me having the $1500 needed to file the paperwork, but Ronel also still needs the estimated $200US he needs for the medical exam. Tonight, he told me that none of the doctor's offices will actually tell him the exact price but want him to come in - I told him to tell them that he lives 4 hours away and that it isn't easy for him to come in, just to find out how much the exam will cost! That is so frustrating!!!

Well, with all this money raised, I am hoping that we can file all the paperwork by the start of 2008 and I hope to have Ronel home by the start of 2009!!

Off to get some rest! Still tired after all the work for the garage sale - way more work that I ever remembered! Oh, and if anyone local reads this - We will be holding another garage sale in April to help with the rest of the funds Ronel & I need to get him here (exit visa, plane tickets, etc) If anyone has any items that you would like to donate, please contact me - We can take it now and store it until the sale!

Only God can have a garage sale raise $770 in 6 hours and have the largest sale item be only $20! We are hoping with more time to get items & more time to promote & prep, the next sale should be just as good if not better! We had a steady stream of people and almost ALL were strangers who saw the signs put up by my mom & also by a friend.

k - seriously am now off to bed!

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