Congratulations are due to my friends Erica & Danny on the birth of their baby girl - Audrey Katherine. She was born on Sunday, July 15th and is absolutely adorable! I can't wait to love on her!
God really had His hand on this darling child as 4 family members were in Mexico on a missions trip scheduled to return on the 15th and another family member was leaving on a a missions trip on the 16th and the due date was the 19th so someone was going to miss the arrival of the baby. (this is the first grandbaby on both sides) Erica started having contractions on Thursday and her family members in Mexico made the decision to leave early and head home (they had a separate vehicle due to #'s) and so made the long drive home (36 hours) but late Thursday night Erica's contractions stopped. They started again Saturday with Audrey being born on Sunday just before noon. This meant that all the family was in town and able to be there for the birth! If Erica hadn't had contractions on Thursday, the family members that were in Mexico would not have been home in time as the team didn't get home till about 6:30pm. One of Erica's big prayers was that her mom & dad would be here for the birth and God had it all planned out!
A big congrats and lots of love go out to Erica & Danny! I can't wait to see the lovely new family!
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