I used to go to these sites daily and "click" to help stop hunger and also to fund mammograms.
I had forgotten about them until I saw the button on someone else's webpage.
So now I am sharing with all of you!
It's very simple - click on the buttons above, they will take you to the website where you just have to click on another button. You "click", the corporate sponsors pay, and the hungry eat and/or mammograms are donated to women in need.
How simple is this - click on a button and help others! It's free and takes about 30 seconds of your time!
Click daily!!
hey theresa!
i have just started reading your blog since you got married - congratulations, by the way!! i was grinning as i read. :) you looked like a very happy bride.
i haven't seen you or maybe even talked to you since haiti (canaan) and that has been ages. but i read that you have to come into vancouver. i live there now and actually work at vancouver general hospital - is that where you are going to be??
love janis
WOW! I can't believe it is you!! Umm, no I am going to my GI specialist office I believe! (I know it isn't VGH for sure! I was there ALOT when I was home sick in 2004 with liver issues. I saw the TD/ID specialist at VGH many, many times!)
is your email address still the same?
T**J***G***@*****.com? (the stars are there to protect your privacy! - hehe)
We should email and get in touch! I would love to catch up with you!
So glad you left a comment!!
Okay - so I apparently didn't really know where I was going for my GI appointment! I googled the address and guess what! - I am going to be going to VGH (which means I don't have to worry about getting lost! I know my way to VGH with my eyes closed!) If it isn't actually at the hospital it is in a building right next to it! Thought it was quite humbling though after my comment about knowing that it wasn't VGH for sure well - apparently I wasn't so sure!! HAHA
Janis - if you read this - I sent you an email at the address I put in the previous comment.
nice blog!
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