Isn't he just the cutest! Tristan can find fun anywhere! This was Christmas Day at Grama's house and he was getting bored while we were all cleaning up dinner and he found this box and sat it in, then asked people to push him around the house in the box!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
isn't he cute!!!
Isn't he just the cutest! Tristan can find fun anywhere! This was Christmas Day at Grama's house and he was getting bored while we were all cleaning up dinner and he found this box and sat it in, then asked people to push him around the house in the box!
an oldie but a goodie!

Calvin in 2006 |
(below was originally posted August 23, 2004 on My Haiti Blog)
Isn't he just the cutest! Okay, so this auntie is very proud of her nephew... This is a photo I just got of him this weekend up at Cultus Lake.. I have NO clue what he is doing or why but I think it is cute.. I decided for me ~ he is telling his auntie how much he loves her!!! "THIS MUCH" and his auntie loves him THIS MUCH too (arms spread out at far as they can go!) The first time I saw this photo I was amazed at how big he is getting and his facial features are changing into those of a "big boy" not the cute little year and a half year old boy I knew when I left... In only 6 short weeks he is going to be a big brother! Time flies by so quickly..
Saturday, January 27, 2007
name change update
They are open 8:30am to 4pm Monday to Friday and it says on their website that 1:30pm to 4pm is their busiest time. I will have to take a couple hours off work and go downtown and do it. Or I have to look into mailing it away - but am not looking forward to mailing the original of my wedding certificate.
my appointment
I got there early as we didn't know how long it would take to drive downtown. Since we had found out that this was just a consultation and parking was $1.75 per half hour, I sent my mom to go shopping (she had seen some thrift stores nearby) and I went upstairs to see the doctor. The new building was beautiful and it has all the various specialty clinics in it and also quite the variety of food/drink services downstairs. I waited for over an hour - which went quite quickly which surprised me! and then Dr. Shaw came to greet me - he was working with Dr. Yoshida and from what I could figure out, he is doing rotations of some sort. So Dr. Shaw did all my history and asked all the "fun" questions - "how often do you have a bowel movement" "Pain associated with these" "consistency of your bowel movement" and more of the same... then he made me lie down and he pushed around on my stomach (flashbacks of the tropical disease specialist - he did the same thing!) and then he went off to talk to Dr. Yoshida.
After about 10 - 15 mins Dr. Yoshida and Dr. Shaw came back into the room and Dr Y said that my case is a very interesting one! OH GREAT!! Apparently I don't have most of the symptoms that many celiacs have - for one, I am not losing weight quickly and wasting away to nothing (As Dr. Y put it) & I don't have the same amount of pain.
But, I do have a postive result on my blood test for celiac. And there is only a 2% occurrence of false positives, so Dr Yoshida doesn't want to ignore that, especially cause untreated celiac can cause very big problems down the road (like cancer). Dr. Yoshida said that it would be basically malpractice on his end to not perform the Esophagastroduodenoscopy or Gastroscopy for short. So, he gave me the FIRST available appointment - March 22, 2007
I can't believe that I am going to have to wait another 2 months, plus once again it is a "fun" time at work - Spring Break VBS but atleast with this appoinment time I can work in the morning with the VBS and take off at about 1pm. I will again have to have my mom come with me because in the pamphlet I got with my appoinment says I won't be allowed to drive for 24 hours!! That means that I will also have to get a ride to work the next day!
Here are some excerpts from the pamphlet about Gastroscopy I was given to prepare me:
What is a Gastroscopy?
Gastroscopy is a safe and very valuable diagnostic procedure.
This procedure is performed using an instrument called a gastroscope. The gastroscope is a thin, flexible tube that allows direct visualization of the upper intestinal tract via your mouth (esophagus, stomach and duodenum - this is the first part of the small intestine)
Instruments may be passed through the gastroscope to take tiny painless biopsies (samples of tissue). Polyps(tiny growths) may be removed. Small swallowed objects may be removed. Strictured (narrow) areas may be dilated (stretched).
What Preparation is Required?
For the best possible examination, the stomach must be completely empty. You must not eat or drink anything from midnight the evening before your procedure. (Dr Yoshida told me I can have a clear liquid breakfast - apple juice, jello, water and then NOTHING after 10:30am)
* You will be given sedation to make you sleepy and relaxed. You will not be allowed to drive for 24 hours following the procedure. YOU MUCH have a responsible adult to accompany you home.
* If you do not speak English well, someone who does speak English much come with you.
What to Expect?
* Plan to arrive at VGH's Admitting Department at the time specified (for me this is 2pm)
* Following admission, you will be directed to the GE (Gastroenterolgy) clinic
* Consents are required. If a minor, have a parent or guardian available to sign. (and if I don't want to consent????)
* You will change into a hospital gown (Means - MUST SHAVE LEGS!!)
* Your vital signs will be taken and a intravenous (IV) may be started.
In the procedure room
* Your throat will be sprayed with a local anesthetic (freezing spray) or gargle. This numbs your throat to reduce gagging.
* The procedure will be done with you lying on your left side.
* You may be given medication to help you relax. A plastic mouth guard is placed between your teeth to protect the gastroscope.
* The doctor inserts the gastroscope tip through the mouth guard and gently guides it to the back of your throat. You will be asked to swallow to help the doctor guide the tip down your esophagus.
* The examination does not interfere with breathing or cause choking. Air is introduced, thus you may feel bloated or crampy. This feeling passes quickly after the procedure.
* A gastroscopy normally takes 5 to 15 minutes.
After the Procedure
* You will be requested to rest in the GE Clinic until most of the effects of the medication have worn off.
* Because your throat is frozen, you may have nothing to eat or drink for 2 hours
(after not eating anything since the night before! - this means for me, I will only have had some apple juice since midnight on the Wednesday and my appointment is in the later afternoon (3:15pm) so if we get in on time, I might be allowed to eat by 6pm. So if I have dinner around 6pm the night before, I will go almost 24 hours with out actual food!! Sounds like FUN ~ Not!)
*When your nurse has decided that you are recovered, you will be discharged in the company of your driver. You will not be allowed to drive for 24 hours
At this time you will be given instructions for follow-up.
Your doctor will explain the results at the time of discharge. (Yeah! No more waiting! I will know something at least before I leave the hospital)
I will try to keep you all updated on any progress with this!
Friday, January 26, 2007
The Right Reverend Ronel the Ineffable of Leg over Wallop and Her Eminence the Very Viscountess Theresa the Antique of Greater Sodbury |
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title
I saw this somewhere and thought it was hilarious! You input your name and gender and you get your very own eccentric British aristocratic title. - try it out for yourself!
doctor's appointment
(posted last night)
Tomorrow at 12:45pm (Pacific Time) I will be downtown at Vancouver General Hospital having my appointment with Dr. Yoshida for my small bowel biopsy. If you see this post before then - could you please remember to pray for me - that everything will go well with the biopsy, that my results will be given to me quickly and that I will be able to not freak out! I am strangely quite "neutral" about the whole thing RIGHT NOW but I know that is going to change in the morning! I need to call the doctor's office in the morning to find out if there is any "do or don't do" procedures that I need to know about as I received nothing in the way of instructions from my doctor, just the name, address and phone number of the specialist. I meant to do it today but as always I forgot - life got busy at work today as we are down a bus, so I didn't get a chance and then I had a baby shower for a friend after work so no chance then either.
anyhoo - off to bed to get well rested for my day tomorrow!
nothing is easy....
Thursday, January 25, 2007
kinda good news....

So, I am going to "VGH" but I won't be in the actual hospital, but in a neighboring health care centre.
I will post more tomorrow after I get home from downtown.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
It was a pain in the butt, but boy am I glad I went back - for $12 it was definitely worth the trip!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Gluten Free Goddess
this is the link to her site
Saturday, January 20, 2007
ways to help make a difference

I used to go to these sites daily and "click" to help stop hunger and also to fund mammograms.
I had forgotten about them until I saw the button on someone else's webpage.
So now I am sharing with all of you!
It's very simple - click on the buttons above, they will take you to the website where you just have to click on another button. You "click", the corporate sponsors pay, and the hungry eat and/or mammograms are donated to women in need.
How simple is this - click on a button and help others! It's free and takes about 30 seconds of your time!
Click daily!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Anyway by Martina McBride
You can spend your whole life building something from nothing
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway
You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach and you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway
God is great, but sometimes life ain't good
And when I pray it doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway
This world's gone crazy and is hard to believe that tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway
You can love someone with all your heart, for all the right reasons, and in a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway
Repeat Chorus
You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in that tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway, sing it anyway
I sing, I dream, I love, anyway,
Monday, January 15, 2007
Who am I?
Only a short while ago the Lord's friends gathered around to hear Him speak of great and wonderful things. The things of God, eternal things. We hung on every word, savoring it, digesting it. Now, they are gone and I alone remain, sitting at His feet. Like a delicate fragrance, the sound of His voice seems to linger in the air. I breath in the essence of His presence and sigh. It's good that I should be here; I want to stay forever. For a moment He shuffles in His seat and I fear that my Lord is going to leave. My heart sinks until I realize He is leaning forward and reaching out His hands to me. All at once the child in me comes alive as Jesus lifts me to His lap and cradles me in His arms. Tears of joy fill my eyes and overflow, cascading down my cheeks. I weep softly and bury my face in the folds of His robe as His strong arms close around me.
Who am I that the Lord should hold me so tenderly? Did He hear my anguished cry for more of Him? Had He peered into the depths of my heart and dug through the sin and deeply rooted pride and greed and actually found some good buried there? Is there any good in me? I am still so slow to learn, so quick to fall. My reasoning weaves a maze through my mind as I try
to comprehend. As Jesus draws me closer to Himself, a thread of gold enters the woven maze in my mind and I understand. Jesus holds me not because of my goodness, but His; not because of my love for Him, but rather, because of His great love for me. My thoughts become a blur, struggling to grasp what is unimaginable for the human mind. He is able to do exceedingly and
abundantly more than I think or imagine. My Lord and my God loves me. I savor this delicious morsel of truth as He gently cradles me in His strong arms like a dear beloved child, and holds me close to His chest. A favorite Scripture from Isaiah comes to mind: "You are mine, you are precious in my sight and I love you." I ponder this, these words meant for me as well.
As I listened to the Savior's heartbeat, He also was listening to mine. What I couldn't put into words He heard from the cry of my heart. My desire for Him. My love for Him. My longing to be with Him. And the heartbreaking sorrow I felt for ever having done anything that put a distance between my beloved Jesus and I. For a moment He stops rocking me and I can feel His warm breath on my forehead. He tenderly says, child, look at me. I am reluctant to look up because I know that my eyes will meet His. What I have longed for, now suddenly fills me with dread. I fear what He will see in the face of this unworthy child. His fingers are beneath my chin and He raises my head until my eyes meet His. What I see is more beautiful than words can express. In His eyes there is an ocean of love, deeper, wider, and higher than all the world can contain. His eyes are the color of mercy. For a moment I feel as if I am little more than an ant at the foot of the cross, just beginning to comprehend His love and sacrifice. The King of all the universe is gazing into my eyes and communicating His love to me.
Jesus' hand is warm against my face. He cups my cheek and wipes away my tears with His thumb. God's thumb, wiping away my tears. He holds my face firmly for a moment and looks deep into my eyes as if to say, this is important, listen to Me. His eyes seem to plead with me as He speaks. He wants me to understand and believe it. As His eyes fill with tears, He says,
"This is why I did it; so I could hold you and love you for eternity."
Opening up my heart....
Yesterday morning in church, my pastor - Pastor Tom (or PT as I will use for the rest of this post) said that he felt that there were people in the congregation who needed a specific strength for something they were going through, and that sometimes taking a step out of our comfort zone (our seat) was needed and that today no one was going to come up and pray with us individually but that we would pray as a congregation (as a family) for those who stepped forward. And that this was more between just God and us. Well, as soon as PT said a specific strength - I knew that God was talking to me. And I had two specific strengths that I need.
First was strength to get through the separation of Ronel & I for an undetermined length of time. It made me really face the fact that though I can put on a good face and be positive about this all, and I am positive about it for the most part, BUT it doesn't mean that I am all okay and that was what I really had to tell God today.[cause you know He didn't know already:)] It made me feel better though about "breaking down" sometimes and crying, being upset that we have to be so far apart for so long. (and anything past NOW is TOO long) I know that God put us together and that this was part of His plan.
Second was strength to get through my biopsy on the 26th of this month. I am scheduled for a small bowel biopsy with a gastrointestinal specialist in Vancouver to see what is going on with my insides. My doctor thinks that I may have celiac disease, which if true, would mean a HUGE lifestyle change as I would no longer be allowed to eat any wheat or gluten, which in case you didn't know is in like everything (Ok, slight exaggeration but not by much!) And while I am not looking forward to that, I am more scared about the biopsy procedure. It is invasive and there are two options (according to a search on Google) for the biopsy - either to enter through my nose and send the scope down to my lower intestines/small bowel or to enter from the other end and send the scope that way. Now - I am not sure what option is more preferable! One seems definitely shorter but not sure if it is better! I do know that I will be partially sedated and my mom is coming with me cause I won't be able to drive myself home (or that is what they tell me!) I have had SO many tests done to figure out what is going on and this is so far the only thing that came back as even an option but the blood test is not the best way to diagnose it so.... But I think that I am just nervous about what they will find. I am still waiting for my appointment to see the specialist about my malfunctioning thyroid (I know! I am falling to pieces!) Currently it isn't too bad off but my doctor wants me to see a specialist now cause this could cause problems when Ronel & I want to get pregnant.
Anyway - so as I stepped forward at the church, I just had to admit to God (and maybe even more to myself) that I STILL need Him~ that just because I am back in Canada doesn't mean that now I can do this all on my own. And while I know that God was in the middle of Ronel & I's relationship while we were in Haiti, I felt like I had been taking it bit by bit from God and that I needed to give it ALL back to Him. It's not going to be easy, but I know that it will be for the better.
Then PT's sermon was about "Seeking" - the second part of a 3 part sermon about Ask, Seek, Knock
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7 (New International Version)
And he mentioned how this really means KEEP Asking, KEEP Seeking, KEEP Knocking. Don't just do it once, KEEP doing it, and this hit me! I asked - once or twice, I seeked - maybe a couple of times, I might have knocked once or twice ~ anyway you get the picture ~ I needed to do the "keeping" part.
It was admitting that I needed someone other than myself that I really needed to do, and admitting that while I know that God has His hand on Ronel & I and the whole immigration process, and God knows what my biopsy results will be NOW, even before they have done the biopsy - I have to GIVE IT OVER TO HIM!
Then I was reading a friend's blog (okay - friend of a friend) and this song played when it loaded. I have never heard any of Sara Groves' music before but now I want to listen to more of her!
(I've put into italics the parts that really hit me)
go here and select the song to hear a sample of it
It's Gonna Be Alright
by Sara Groves and Gordon Kennedy
It's going to be alright
It's going to be alright
I can tell by your eyes that you're not getting any sleep
And you try to rise above it, but feel you're sinking in too deep
Oh, oh I believe, I believe that
It's going to be alright
It's going to be alright
I believe you'll outlive this pain in you heart
And you'll gain such a strength from what is tearing you apart
Oh, oh I believe I believe that
It's going to be alright
It's going to be alright
When some time has past us, and the story if retold
It will mirror the strength and the courage in your soul
Oh, oh, I believe I believe,
I believe
I believe
I did not come here to offer you cliché's
I will not pretend to know of all your pain
Just when you cannot, then I will hold out faith, for you
It's going to be alright
It's going to be alright
So I don't know what the future has in store - but with Jesus by my side it's going to be alright!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
missing my kids
what BCers do...
They create their own ice rinks! First there was a photo in the paper where a family was skating on the ice that was on their road and today on my way to Langley, I saw dozens of people creating their own ice rink in fields that had flooded before the snow and are now frozen. There was atleast 30 cars parked on the side of the road (a major road too - which is why I don't have a photo, even though I had my camera. Doing 60 km/h on a fairly major & busy road isn't conducive to stopping and taking a photo!) and they had hockey nets out, and there was like 4 or 5 impromptu rinks. Coming home as I came over the hill and could see them all skating below me with the sun setting - it was a lovely sight. (again - ARGH that I couldn't get a photo!) But I thought it was a great idea. That is for those who can skate! I'd be on my butt in less time than it takes to say my name! It also was neat to see all these families out there skating together and there were games of hockey going on.
We don't see frozen fields in the lower mainland very often - especially ones that you can stand on! and so people were taking advantage of the cold weather we have been having! (It was again -8 on my way to church this morning. It warmed up to a whole 0 degrees by 4:30pm and then it gets dark, so the temperature drops again. The big news is that we are supposed to hit 2 degrees tomorrow as the high~!)
Saturday, January 13, 2007

I saw this photo on my friend's blog and asked her to email me a copy cause I knew I had to have it!
This is SO Mirlande, and I love how the water looks in the black and white. Everytime I see photos of the kids in Haiti, I miss them, and Haiti in general. This has nothing to do with the fact that Ronel is there, but that my heart is there - with the kids I worked with, the people I became friends with, the beauty of the country and yes, my husband. But I know that even after Ronel is here in Canada with me, I will always miss Haiti. The people & the country had my heart from the first time I set foot on the soil in February of 2002. And reading blogs of people still living there, and also of people that are adopting from there just remind me how much I fell in love with Haiti -
Enjoy the photo!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Girls' Day Out

Well, this post is a little delayed but whatever! Last week I got a call at work saying I had won tickets to the Wedding Fair in Vancouver. So, I called up my girlfriend who is getting married in June and we went off for a day of fun last Saturday. Well, it was a good time indeed!
Because we are planning on having some sort of reception after Ronel arrives, I went as a bride to the fair and so you get to enter into TONS of draws for lots of free stuff as well as a chance to win an $87,000 dream wedding, which Shealyn entered. We got lots of info on all aspects of planning a wedding and saw some neat ideas, but it was also crazy! There were SO MANY people there and it was absolutely packed everywhere you turned! It was a good girls' day out though and it was nice to spend time with Shealyn, as we haven't done as much of that as we would like to, between my job and her school schedule we are busy people!
I don't think I have won any prizes from the fair but they haven't posted the winners yet but I am happy that I won the tickets to the fair and that I got the chance to go and see everything they had to offer.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
what is this white stuff??

The view out my living room window at 6am Wednesday morning (that is my little car hidden behind the big white bush)
I then got up and drove to work (stopping along the way at Walmart & Superstore to do shopping for work), I got to work safely at 10:30am Wednesday morning and drove out of the parking lot today at 3pm!! We were not able to transport kids to school yesterday or today because of the road conditions and also staff numbers - today we had like 5 staff not in because of the snow!
Around 4pm, with the snow still falling, I started getting concerned about driving home and having to be back at work at 7:30 the next morning. I mentioned this to Terri, our director and she said that her and Eli -her husband were planning on staying at the church(daycare) cause they would need to be here at 7am in case other staff didn't arrive. So, we decided to spend the night together at the church - we walked( or tromped as my friend Renee called it) up to Safeway to buy some food for dinner and then lunch today, got a movie for the kids and some warm beverages from Starbucks for the way home and then we tromped back to the church - much harder on the way back! By the time we got back, we were tired so we made dinner (Theresa nachos which Terri says are the best!) and then we watched some episodes of Murder She Wrote on DVD (on the nice big screen we have at the church--- projector and screen) and then set up our "sleeping areas" Because we have group care which is under 5 year olds, we have sleep mats so Eli got out those and set them up and then pushed over the nice couch from the church lobby and so Terri and Eli took the sleep mats and gave me the couch - for which I am very thankful! Around midnight we (Terri & I) went to sleep while Eli went back down to watch a movie! (just a bit crazy!) I woke up a couple times in the night but slept quite nice and was warm, which was nice - I thought I was going to be cold.

Eli & Terri all bundled up ready for our trip to the store
We woke up early this morning, checked out the school closure lists (none were closed except the private school we service) and then we waited for parents to show up - which they did! Some were okay with the fact that we would not be taking their kids to school, others decided that they would take them to school themselves, and then we had a fun snow day with the kids, we went outside and played in the snow, slid down the parking lot on crazy carpets and had fun digging the bus out of the snow! I managed to dig my car out of all the snow that had covered it in all the time it had sat in the parking lot (27 1/2 hours!) and it even started (my car doesn't like the cold and can be hard to start some mornings!)I have decided that this is not the weather for me!

my car - this is only the snow that fell between 11am & 6pm yesterday!
Oh - I just talked to Ronel and all the photos and paperwork I sent to him (via a group going down from Yarmouth Nova Scotia) arrived safely in his hands yesterday and he is already handing out the photos I sent for different people! I love being able to call my husband and talk to him whenever I want! Yeah for technology and SKYPE!
Warm wishes from COLD BC
(it is supposed to be -17 today with windchill - too cold for this gal with Haitian heat blood!)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
5 things.....

1. I have two pieces of bone "floating" around in my body - one in my left hand (just below the bottom of my thumb), and the other in my right wrist.
2. In 28 years, I have lived in 18 homes (at that point you start to lose count!) and that number will grow once Ronel arrives in Canada and we get our own place!
3. I became an auntie for the first time at the age of 9
4. My oldest sister and my youngest uncle are only 10 months apart in age.
5. I was born on the exact same day & year as Jennifer Love Hewitt.
I got this idea off a friend's blog - it is an online version of tag.
so.... TAG, you're it!
(you can leave your list of 5 things we don't know about you in the comments section)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
my visit to Victoria
I enjoyed my time in Victoria and plan on making that trip a little more frequently and getting to know that side of my family better.
Happy New Year!