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Monday, March 27, 2006

a lovely phone call

the sound of a loved one's voice... I think this is one of the greatest sounds in the world! Saturday morning my cell phone rang and when I answered it, I was greeted by the sound of a voice that I very much miss - RONEL!!

It was a wonderful call though too short for my liking! The connection wasn't the greatest but I got to talk to Ronel and that was what mattered! Though I will say that I think it made me miss him even more and made it much more of a reality. I did manage to not cry while on the phone with him.

I was a bit surprised at first but only because it was still early enough on a Saturday morning that I had just woken up about 45 mins earlier. I love technology!! It is a wonderful thing - that we can talk and have it cost only pennies per minute is wonderful! For me to call Haiti would cost probably around $4 a minute on my cell phone (if not more!!!) and because of satellite/internet phones Ronel can call me from Haiti for like $0.17 a minute!

Emailing has been a good connection for us but man, talking is even better!! Though I was a bit emotional on that first call to really talk about anything important but I am sure that will improve with time.

It did get me in gear though. I have photos that I am supposed to be sending to Haiti for Ronel and his parents and I just kept putting it off - well, after talking to him on Saturday it got me more in the mood to "pretty up" the photos and so I spent a good chunk of time yesterday "scrapping" some of the photos for Ronel and journalling on them and such. I hope they enjoy the albums.

keep in touch

1 comment:

renee said...

Oh Theresa. I'm so happy that you could chat with Ronel for a bit. I can only imagine how sweet that much have been! Thanks for sharing.
Love you!