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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, July 14, 2011

catch up .... week 37!!

So, it's been a while since I've posted. Sorry, life has been busy! I'm still doing great and baby is growing...

Today I'm 37 weeks and considered full term so baby can show up at any time now. I still feel great and he's been moving ALOT lately and it is such a weird feeling and I can't wait till he's in my arms, not just in my belly! We've been arranging things around the house and making sure that things are ready for his arrival.  We've got his name picked out and I can't wait to see his little face. I have been having weekly appointments with my midwife so I get to hear his hearbeat weekly and that always makes it even more real. They are scheduling me for another ultrasound to double check fetal position as the midwives haven't been able to definitely tell his position by feel and they just want to make sure he is head down. I'm still working, but have been moved to desk duty instead of doing fieldtrips.

Ronel started working in the middle of June and that has been an adjustment for both of us... He's working in the warehouse at a Canadian Tire and while he is still adjusting, it is good for him to be working and getting used to the work environment and having the extra money coming in definitely helps.

I will make sure that I let you know as soon as I can when baby decides to make his arrival in case I don't get a chance to post before then!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I remember 37 weeks and that feeling that it could happen at any time, then people just kept telling me how big I was, that first babies are usually late etc :) It's hard to be patient, especially when your body is getting tired and you're excited to meet your little bundle. I hope and pray you guys have a great birth experience. We're so thankful for ours and that it was everything we wanted it to be and more. Can't wait for the big news!