Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 27, 2011

got the call

Thursday while we were running some errands I got a call from my midwife asking if I still wanted to know the gender of our baby. I said YES!! and she told us that we are having a BOY!!! I was super excited cause I was wanting a boy and really thinking it was a boy while Ronel, my mom & sisters all wanted a girl (in my family, so far the grandkids are 4 boys and only 1 girl (the oldest), plus with Neil's grandkids it is 1 of each so the boys greatly out number the girls) The midwife also mentioned that the ultrasound lab had asked me to come back in for a "urgent" follow-up ultrasound as they were unable to get clear photos/measurements of certain parts of the baby so I will be heading back for another ultrasound on April 6th. While I'm not excited about having to drink that much water and hold it again or that they couldn't see certain things last time, I am excited about seeing our son again!!!

We are just over 21 weeks now and I am definitely starting to feel and notice the changes in my body. I am excited to feel HIM kick/move for the first time.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

YAY! Not sure if you knew this but we're having a boy too! Chris also wanted a girl, but now that we know it's a boy we're excited.

Here in Haiti I'm lucky because the doctor has an ultrasound machine right in his office so every appointment we get to see what's going on. It's so fun to see how it changes month to month. I'll be sad when I go back to Canada and I'll have to sit in suspense :)

I can't remember exactly when I started feeling Junior move, but I realized a few weeks later while sitting very still in church that the feeling I had been dismissing for a few weeks was actually him moving. They say with your first it's harder to tell because you don't know what it feels like. When he gets bigger you'll probably realize the same thing. We're at the stage now where I can literally see my belly wiggle at times. It's fun!