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Thursday, June 12, 2008

In Process

Permanent Residence

We started processing RONEL CLEDOMIN's application on June 5, 2008.

This is what I was delighted to see tonight when I logged in to check on Ronel's application status. For weeks it has said - Not Available under status.... tonight it said IN PROCESS! While it doesn't mean that Ronel gets to come home with me in August, it means that SOMEONE has actually looked at his file and that there is progress being made with getting Ronel here, home to BC! I really needed this tonight and I'm so glad that I decided to check. I haven't check for like a week and a half because it was just getting too hard to always see... Not Available. There won't be another status change until the decision is made which could be months away but I will be checking to see if the description (which is what is in blue up above) changes as the time goes on.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us.... please continue to pray for us as the waiting is only getting harder and I think that leaving will be difficult in August. I know that the wait after the visit will be shorter but the emotions of leaving with all be fresh again and so I've been praying that God will give us a lot of strength in that area....

Thank you God for "In Process"!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Theresa!
So happy to read this. I've been checking in regularly to see if anything has changed. This is exciting. I'm hoping and praying that your wait is short and that when you come next month (NEXT MONTH!!!) you and Ronel will get all caught up in talking about everything you need to do for his arrival and all of the things you want to do after he gets home.
Hang in there, you're getting closer :)