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Saturday, June 10, 2006

sorry it's been so long...

Wow, it's been almost 3 weeks since my last post... Life has been busy, as usual!

Last weekend was our Ladies Retreat at church and I enjoyed it so much! The last retreat I went to was in 2002 and boy have I missed it. It is a weekend of good food, great fellowship, great speakers and a lot of fun. Every year we go to Cedar Springs retreat center in Sumas Washington and they have a gorgeous place. We had Jerry & Barbara Cook as our speakers this year and I really enjoyed them. The van full of us gals that travelled down together also took some time on our way back home to go shopping - always a fun time! Especially with how well the Canadian dollar is doing right now.

I also purchased a digital camera at the end of May and am enjoying that as well.

The school year is coming to a close and the summer is almost upon us and I am looking forward to long days with the kids and lots of fun field trips. We work 10 hour days in the summer and get an extra day off a week so am looking forward to that as well.

A bunch of friends and I are going camping on the July long weekend and I think it is going to be fun. One of my friends and her husband just recently bought a fifth wheel trailer and we will be taking that along with some tents and having a fun old time!

Last Sunday was the one year anniversary of Ronel & I's engagement! Wow - time sure has gone by quickly. It also means that is is now only 5 months till I will be Mrs. Cledomin!!!!

1 comment:

renee said...

T!! So good to catch up on your news. I admit that I read this before but just didn't get around to leaving a comment until now . . .

I remember the day you got engaged - congratulations once again! Wow - the fall is sure approaching quickly. That's awesome that you get an extra day off in the summer. 10-hour days will be long and tough (since you're working with kids . . . ah the endless energy!) but it seems like a good trade.

Nice work on the retreat. I've been thinking a lot about going to the womens retreat ("Women of Contagious Joy" - I think that's what it is called) . . . we'll see.

SO, now I'm not coming to BC in July. So sorry to get your hopes up. My friend and I decided to travel to the States instead. We don't have a destination picked out yet - we'll probably just drive and see where we end up. This is too bad though because I would have loved to see you . . .

So have you heard from Ronel lately? Come on T - it's been a long time since you wrote this post - give us an update!!

Talk to you later.