Baby Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, February 24, 2008

in only...

5 months from today I get to see Ronel's face.

Just thinking about it makes me smile!!

I have lots to catch you guys up on but life has been busy so I will have to post that later. I just had to come let you know how soon I get to see Ronel!!

M'ap vini mari'm!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

a new toy!

I received a MP3 player today - I was talking to my youngest sister, Leslie, and asked her what this thing in her room was and she said, "oh that's a MP3 player I got at (work's) Christmas party. Do you want it?" I said "Sure, I've thought about them but didn't really know it I would use it" She has an Ipod so she didn't really have a use for it.

Well, I LOVE it! I set it up and put all the songs I had on my computer on it (only 55 songs) and I've been listening to it all night while I've been stamping. I can't wait to add more songs!

I think it will come in really handy on my trip to Haiti! It is A LOT smaller than my CD player and I won't have to lug all my CD's with me! I can have all my favourite songs and all on one little player! I also enjoy that I can walk around with it and it isn't in my way or cumbersome. It has a neck strap and it is so handy to have it just hanging there! (I've always kind of laughed at people who wear their mp3 players around their neck! To all of you - I apologize and I've joined you!)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentine's Day!

Tonight I went to see the musical with some friends of mine.

It was put on by Burnaby South High School
and the cousin of one of my friends was in the play.

The play was SO much fun and really well done.
It was a great night and just a fun way to spend Valentine's Day
especially since I couldn't be with Ronel!

Happy Valentine's Day Ronel!
M'ap vini mari'm!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

another update on paperwork...

so, my notice of assessment arrived yesterday in the mail! It was so nice to have that in my hand! But, I realized that I shouldn't be sending in the originals of any of our letters and such that I need to send to prove our relationship! I had all the written letters and such in the STACK of papers to be mailed and when I went through the papers, I realized I probably want to keep the originals and mail in copies! So that is what I will be doing for the next couple of days! First snag was the fact that my printer ran out of ink (which after the amount of emails I had to print out - that Ronel & I have sent to each other - I really am not surprised!) So, my mom is picking me up ink on her way home! Then I am going to scan and print all the letters off. I have 2 notebooks full of letters between us (we used to keep notebooks that we wrote to each other whenever I was out of the country - we would then switch when I would get back. It was like a journal but to each other of what had gone on while the other was away.)

So, my original goal was that I will have all the paperwork mailed by Valentine's Day but I have revised it to have it mailed by my birthday which is only 2 weeks from today! I think that it is a bit more realistic, especially since I have been SO tired lately and have been going to bed quite early lately and I have a busy week ahead.

I will definitely be posting and letting you know when that package goes postal though!

Saturday, February 02, 2008


I went and checked my bank account online and my tax refund has arrived in my account (by direct deposit) and that means that my notice of assessment should be here soon!!

I am going to double check and make sure that I have all the rest of the paperwork ready and then I can send it all in as soon as the notice of assessment arrives! I think that I need to print out some photos to send in but other than that, everything should be ready!

This means that the paperwork should be filed by Valentine's Day (giving myself a couple of days for the notice of assessment to arrive and for me to get it into the post office!)

What a great Valentine's gift for both of us!

And here's hoping & praying that Ronel gets to come home soon!