Alexandre will always be my little bug and I miss him every day!
(click on photo to see a larger image)
I have known this for a while but I have been reminded numerous times this past week that I have GREAT friends! I have had a hard week as for the first time in all the time Ronel & I have been apart I heard in his voice how much he misses me Monday night when we were talking and it just really was hard not to break down and cry. With Ronel also waiting to find out if he has to have surgery for his gallstone, it has just been really hard for me to be here and not there with him. Wednesday at minichurch, I was asked how they could pray for me and so I mentioned this and also how this was holding up getting Ronel’s medical exam done and that I was really scared about Ronel getting this surgery done in Haiti and so we prayed and Terri prayed that Ronel’s gallstone would just be gone and that during his follow up appointment (which was today) the stone would no longer be there. She also said that she really felt that this was an attack keeping Ronel from being able to use his time off from school to go and get his medical done. Ronel has had 2 weeks off school and this would have been a great time for him to be able to go into Port-au-Prince and get his medical exam done so that we could file his paperwork. But instead, he has spent the majority of his time off in great pain from this gallstone and many days & nights up at the hospital. My friends have been there for me through all of this - when I need a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a hug or just an activity to keep me busy, I can count on my friends. As Terri put it - while they don’t know Ronel, they want to meet him as he is now a part of my life and they are also a part of my life. I can’t wait for Ronel to get here and meet them either!! If only we could get his paperwork filed!
Please be praying that Ronel can get his medical exam done in the near future, that we can get the paperwork filed very quickly and shortly after the exam is done and that it would be processed quickly! Please also continue to keep Ronel's health (& mine too) in your prayers. I heard this morning that Ronel also just burnt himself on his motorbike and was getting it checked out at the hospital while he was there for his follow up appointment for his gallstone. I on the other hand, am still waiting for my biopsy results - hopefully I will get them this week and will be able to know more about what is going on in my body! I have been trying my best to eat gluten free and for the most part I have been successful. It's funny how it's easier when I remember the pain I will be causing myself! There are times that there either isn't another option or I just am craving something with bread(gluten) but I'm trying to keep those to a minimum. Yesterday though, I did fantastic at Easter lunch for eating gluten free and I still was having abdominal pains and other internal issues and that was SO very frustrating. I had passed on food that wasn't gluten free that I love and still I was having "issues" and those are the days where I just want to scream and give up on the whole thing. I am praying that the biopsy results will give me more knowledge about why that is happening!